AMC Waiver – Requirements and Guidelines Link to Paper Waiver
AMC Volunteer Led Activity Release
In order to support reintroduction of the paper waiver, Leaders must follow requirements and guidelines for their use and submission. In short, Leaders need to ensure that the forms are legible and that they are submitted within 7 days of completing the activity. With the assistance of Chapter Leadership, we will monitor the rate of return on paper waivers.

Also, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of using the Incident Report Form. The AMC expects that accidents and incidents will occur on AMC trips. When in doubt, complete and submit the form. More data means more learning and greater opportunities to improve the experience of volunteer Leaders, develop training, create supportive structures, and improve follow up. 

Using the Electronic Waiver in Activities Database (ActDB):  
Available when the Leader selects the ActDB Registration Option  “Required – Electronic Waiver”  No Submission Action Required. These forms are submitted automatically at the conclusion of the event. Leaders may be asked to verify who showed up for the event.

Using the Paper Waiver in Activities Database (ActDB):   For Leaders who select any other ActDB Registration Option: Contact Registrar; In Person Paper; or External Link. AMC Volunteer Led Activity Release

Leaders must submit completed paper forms within 7 days of the end of the activity in one of the following ways: Email to: and Only include waivers for one trip in each email. Do not combine waivers from multiple trips into the same pdf or email. Required Subject Line Details  Leader Last Name Chapter or Camp Name  Month and Year Example: LNAME Worcester MARCH 2021 Once you have emailed the waiver with the required subject line details, you may shred the waiver. AMC will be using the subject line to search for waivers in the event there is an incident. AMC is required to maintain records for at least 7 years. Mail to:   AMC Volunteer Release Agreement 
ATTN: Volunteer Relations 
10 City Square, Suite 2 
Boston, MA 02109